The first few weeks of November in Pittsburgh have been surprisingly warm. These are the kinds of surprises I welcome. Instead of knit hats and mittens, I have been donning simple sweaters and, at times, bare toes. While the trees are slowly but surely shedding their leaves completely, providing twisted, barren glimpses of winter, the sunshine and warm air continually bring me back to a summery kind of ease.
This past Saturday, the warmth and sunshine pulled me outside. I spent about three hours at Highland Park, reading, enjoying the blue sky (as the photos below prove) and loving on the sunshine while it's still around.
(This first photo diverges from the others just a bit. It's me on my first day of work per Nancy's request. Here ya go, Mom!)

Here's two of the few photos I took from Halloween. I was a bumble bee complete with tiny wings and a stinger, Lydia was a rooster complete with yellow rubber gloves for feet, Jordan was Thomas the Tank Engine complete with built-in beer can holder in the form of a tiny smoke stack, Dave was the classic mummy complete with constantly dropping chunks-o-toilet paper and Jenna was a bubble bath complete with shower cap, as you can well see. It was fun.
This photo was taken at the farm in Louisville when Elisabeth, Jenna and I drove down in September to visit the ladies plus Bradley and celebrate Lydia's 22nd birthday. The farm house is charming and has endearing qualities in some respects but, I know Lydia and Jamie are generally sick of unwelcome critters joining them as housemates and the ghosts that make themselves known in the middle of the night--they say the place is haunted. Yup.
More photos and words coming soon.
Love and all good things.